#fotodia113 A kiss is just a kiss…

Posted by & filed under All Daily Challenges.

Después del día del beso, ¡entrega tu foto! | After Kiss Day, submit your photo! Kiss flickr photo by brieuc_s shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license Tweet your response to @avbot2 and be sure to include the hashtag #fotodia105 Tweet your response to @avbot2 and be sure to include the hashtag #fotodia113

#fotodia110 Out of the box

Posted by & filed under All Daily Challenges.

Think out of the box and publish your photo! Thinking out of the box flickr photo by librariansarah shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license Tweet your response to @avbot2 and be sure to include the hashtag #fotodia110

#fotodia108 1pm

Posted by & filed under All Daily Challenges.

Fotografiar lo que estés haciendo cuando sea la 1pm. Tweet your response to @avbot2 and be sure to include the hashtag #fotodia108

#fotodia107 Lugar de paz

Posted by & filed under All Daily Challenges.

Puede ser cualquier lugar, lo importante es que demuestre un momento de paz y tranquilidad. Tweet your response to @avbot2 and be sure to include the hashtag #fotodia107